Wednesday, September 26, 2012

valda the Hamster

Wizard said Andrew Taylor watch as the man on the movie revenge of the fly squashes your mum Valda The Hamster

Valda Hampster

Wizard said I Wish Andrews Mum Valda Taylor would be trapped in Revenge of the Fly as
a Hampster zap and i saw he vanish and reappear on the movie as a Hampster


Wizard said I Wish Andrew Robert Taylor would be transformed into a fictional 
character and be trapped in Revenge of the Fly as a fictional Character zap me now

Andrew Taylor

Photo of me Andrew Robert Taylor trapped in the Movie Revenge of the Fly as Hampster man

ned Kelly Look alike

Andrew Taylor is a Ned Kelly Lookalike  spitting Image  down to every detail

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Wizard said The Hampster now has Andrew Taylor arms hands and legs

Andrew Taylor

photo of me Andrew Robert Taylor my hands transformed into Hampsters Paws

Andrew Taylor a Hampster man

Photo of me Andrew Robert Taylor a Hampster man   half human and half Hampster
me now


Photo of Andrew Taylor a Wanted man

An internet "troll

An internet "troll" who sent a threatening email to a Conservative MP was banned today from contacting a host of celebrities - including Lord Sugar.
Frank Zimmerman escaped jail by a whisker when a district judge suspended a 26-week prison sentence for two years after he sent an offensive email to Corby MP Louise Mensch.
The bearded 60-year-old, who was taken to court by police on Monday after being arrested for failing to attend his sentencing last week, was given the suspended sentence, ordered to pay costs and made subject of a restraining order.
The order - until further notice - bans the agoraphobic from contacting a string of well-known people. The list includes Mrs Mensch, her businessman husband Peter, and Mrs Mensch's ex-husband, property developer Anthony LoCicero.
Lord Sugar, the Amstrad businessman and star of hit TV Show The Apprentice, was named on the restraining order, as was Terence Blacker, a columnist with the Independent newspaper and Zimmerman's former neighbour in London.
Also listed was General Sir Mike Jackson - once head of the British Army - and David Petraeus, former US Army commander in Iraq and Afghanistan and now director of the CIA.
A previous hearing heard how Zimmerman had last year targeted the outspoken Mrs Mensch, telling her to stop using the social networking site Twitter or face the consequences. The white-haired defendant, of Spinney Road, Barnwood, Gloucester, told Mrs Mensch she faced a "Sophie's Choice" - a reference to a novel in which heroine Sophie has to choose between the life of her son or daughter at a Nazi concentration camp.
The Northamptonshire MP, 40, who has a Twitter following of 50,000, immediately called in the police and arranged security for her family. Unbowed, she went on to tweet to followers: "Had some morons threaten my children by email. To those who sent it; get stuffed losers."
The offensive email was later traced to the IP address of Zimmerman's home computer. He was charged with an offence of sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene, menacing message or matter.
The case against Zimmerman, of Spinney Road, Barnwood, Gloucester, had been proven in his absence after he failed to attend court - blaming his agoraphobia and depression. He was supposed to have been sentenced at Cheltenham Magistrates' Court last week but failed to attend.

Andrew Taylor

An internet "troll" who sent a threatening email to a Conservative MP was banned today from contacting a host of celebrities - including Lord Sugar.
Andrew Robert Taylor escaped jail by a whisker when a district judge suspended a 26-week prison sentence for two years after he sent an offensive email to Corby MP Louise Mensch.
The bearded 60-year-old, who was taken to court by police on Monday after being arrested for failing to attend his sentencing last week, was given the suspended sentence, ordered to pay costs and made subject of a restraining order.
The order - until further notice - bans the agoraphobic from contacting a string of well-known people. The list includes Mrs Mensch, her businessman husband Peter, and Mrs Mensch's ex-husband, property developer Anthony LoCicero.
Lord Sugar, the Amstrad businessman and star of hit TV Show The Apprentice, was named on the restraining order, as was Terence Blacker, a columnist with the Independent newspaper and Zimmerman's former neighbour in London.
Also listed was General Sir Mike Jackson - once head of the British Army - and David Petraeus, former US Army commander in Iraq and Afghanistan and now director of the CIA.
A previous hearing heard how Zimmerman had last year targeted the outspoken Mrs Mensch, telling her to stop using the social networking site Twitter or face the consequences. The white-haired defendant, of Spinney Road, Barnwood, Gloucester, told Mrs Mensch she faced a "Sophie's Choice" - a reference to a novel in which heroine Sophie has to choose between the life of her son or daughter at a Nazi concentration camp.
The Northamptonshire MP, 40, who has a Twitter following of 50,000, immediately called in the police and arranged security for her family. Unbowed, she went on to tweet to followers: "Had some morons threaten my children by email. To those who sent it; get stuffed losers."
The offensive email was later traced to the IP address of Taylor's home computer. He was charged with an offence of sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene, menacing message or matter.
The case against Taylor, of Spinney Road, Barnwood, Gloucester, had been proven in his absence after he failed to attend court - blaming his agoraphobia and depression. He was supposed to have been sentenced at Cheltenham Magistrates' Court last week but failed to attend.