Saturday, January 14, 2012

Vince Coulthard

                                          Vince Coulthard has worked to promote Aboriginal culture
                                         among young people (Australian of the Year Awards)

Aboriginal leader Vince Coulthard has received this year's Premier's NAIDOC award for his work in promoting traditional culture and language.
Mr Coulthard, from South Australia's north, has chaired the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association for the past 13 years.
He played a key role in the first Indigenous Land Use Agreement over the Vulkathunha National Park in the northern Flinders Ranges.
He also runs South Australia's only Aboriginal radio station, the Port Augusta-based Umeewarra Aboriginal Media Association.
On accepting the award, Mr Coulthard paid tribute to his family.
"I guess some of the outstanding things in my mind comes from the drive from my elders, both my grandfather and my father," he said.
"I stand for the preservation of our culture, that's what I believe in strongly, and my message to young people is certainly be educated to be able to deal with society that we live in today, but don't forget where you come from."
"The future of our people lies in their hands," he said.
The Premier, Mike Rann, says Mr Coulthard is a very fitting winner.
"Vince has been a champion of Aboriginal people and Aboriginal opportunity over many years. He's always on about bringing the culture back, the healing qualities of Aboriginal culture for young people," he said.

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